186 - Why Your Sales Calls End In No Decision And What To Do About It (April Dunford, Positioning Master)

Happy New Year! I'll keep saying that until we're well into February. Winter is so much easier when there's something to celebrate!
This episode kicks off a series of episodes where I’m going to explore three topics in-depth:
- Positioning
- Strategic Narrative
- Category Design
I hear these concepts being thrown around all the time but not always fully understood.
What are the key differences?
When should you use one method over another?
What’s my take on them? Which one do I think is actually the most helpful and WHY?
We start off with Positioning. I am a huge fan of April Dunford and the work that she does so I asked her to come back on the podcast for Round 2. This time we talk about how your Positioning feeds smoothly into your Sales Pitch.
Also in this episode:
April talks about her recent experience launching a podcast;
The goal of a great sales pitch;
What do great sales calls have in common;
How to structure your sales pitch so that prospects are confident making choices;
WHY does structuring your sales pitch in this way work better than other approaches out there;
Applying the Sales Pitch process to my own business;
Why companies hire April (HINT: alignment).
You can find April on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/aprildunford
April's website: www.aprildunford.com
April's podcast: Positioning with April Dunford
For more content, subscribe to Modern Startup Marketing on Apple or Spotify or wherever you like to listen, and don't forget to leave a review if you're lovin' the show!
And whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:
1. fractional head of marketing for early stage startups >> www.furmanovmarketing.com
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3. sign up to get my monthly early stage startup marketing newsletter where I’m sharing playbooks and insights and cracking some jokes
You can also find me hanging out on LinkedIn, definitely say hello and tell me what you're building >> www.linkedin.com/in/annafurmanov
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