26 - How To Differentiate When Sameness Is The Default With Peep Laja, Founder of Wynter, CXL and Speero

Peep Laja, founder of 3 companies (Wynter, CXL and Speero) joined me on the Modern Startup Marketing podcast.
Peep has been building companies for years. He founded a SaaS startup back in 2009 for building and selling online courses (it didn’t work out) and now running these companies.
Peep has really grown his audience on LinkedIn and Twitter. 37k followers on Twitter and almost 26k followers on LinkedIn. Wow. People (including me) are following Peep's thought leadership on building companies, experimentation, storytelling and content marketing.
Wynter is a messaging optimization platform for B2B companies. What messaging hits home? What falls flat? Customers include Drift, Unilever and GoToMeeting.
CXL is a skill-building platform for marketers that uses the world’s top 1% practitioners as instructors. Customers include Google, Cisco, and Hilton.
Speero is a customer experience optimization agency. They do CX research and experimentation to measure and improve your customer experience.
The short story here is Peep sent out a Tweet: “A podcast booking company is pitching me, saying they can get me on 2 shows/week and nobody else can match their success rate. Let's see about that.” Clearly Peep is an experimenter. And then someone emailed me about it and so here we are :)
Here's what we hit on:
How many podcast shows have you booked so far? What's your goal with being on so many podcasts;
What did you learn from your 2 years building the SaaS startup (that failed) that has helped you succeed with Wynter and CXL and Speero;
What are your thoughts on content marketing and how it has changed over the years? What exactly has changed since 2010? What do marketers need to stop / start doing;
Who's doing innovative things with their content (HINT: Harry Dry and also Growth.Design with their comic book style case studies growth.design/case-studies);
Recommendations for startups on how to differentiate when sameness is the default...what’s the strategy (HINT: innovation, brand and strategic narrative);
How Peep stays creative;
Some bad recommendations that Peep has heard and wants to set the record straight;
Do user research but BE CAREFUL;
Top tips for posting content and building an audience on LinkedIn and Twitter.
You can find Peep on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/peeplaja
On Twitter: @peeplaja
Find out more about Wynter: wynter.com
Find out more about CXL: cxl.com
Found out more about Speero: speero.com
For more content, subscribe to Modern Startup Marketing on Apple or Spotify (or wherever you like to listen).
You can find Anna on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/annafurmanov or visit this website: www.furmanovmarketing.com
Thanks for listening!
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