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Sept. 3, 2021

49 - BONUS 10-Minute Episode On Fastest Ways To Understand How Marketing Works (Anna & Sergey)

49 - BONUS 10-Minute Episode On Fastest Ways To Understand How Marketing Works (Anna & Sergey)

Prepare for something different, fun and fast!

This is a BONUS 10-min. episode with Sergey Ross on the fastest ways to understand how marketing works. Because when your marketing is working, you'll know it. And this goes beyond attribution.

Sergey is the host of the Media Camp podcast and now he's building out his Youtube channel (SRE. live) Sergey works on podcast and video production at Crowdlinker.

Here's what we hit on:

Don't forget to ask your customers "where did you find me?"

WOM is still the biggest driver;

Seeking out qualitative signals from the right people;

We run through examples of shopping at Costco and some of the basic psychological principles at play that get you to buy.

You can find Sergey on LinkedIn: 

For more content, subscribe to Modern Startup Marketing on Apple or Spotify (or wherever you like to listen).

You can find Anna on LinkedIn: or visit this website:

Thanks for listening!

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