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Feb. 21, 2022

75 - Look For Interesting Surprises That Will Help Steer The Ship (Jen Root, Co-Founder and VP of Marketing at Manifest Commerce)

75 - Look For Interesting Surprises That Will Help Steer The Ship (Jen Root, Co-Founder and VP of Marketing at Manifest Commerce)

I got a chance to speak with Jen Root, co-founder and VP of Marketing at Manifest Commerce, and it was a great convo with an early stage startup that's got some exciting stuff in the works plus a "sprint and fix" mentality. It's such an exciting time. They've also been the podcast's sponsor!

Manifest Commerce was co-founded in 2021 by a team of four people including George Wojciechowski (ShipBob's co-founder, ShipBob has raised Series E and the company is valued at over $1B). Together, the team at Manifest Commerce has a passion for climate action. Manifest is earth-friendly e-commerce fulfillment and they're leading the logistics movement towards a greener supply chain.

Here's what we hit on:

Your 2022 marketing plan - how are you organizing your marketing budget, what channels are you leaning into (HINT: Partnerships);

What's the difference between a merchant and a sustainability-focused merchant;

What are your top marketing challenges right now (HINT: understanding CAC and CLTV plus finding the time to engage with our community on social);

How has the pandemic affected your marketing strategy (HINT: we're still focusing on in-person e.g. April/May sustainability summit where merchants can learn from other merchants);

What are the last couple of really good marketing ideas you've come up with;

What’s a tough question you’ve had to ask yourself recently (HINT: "what if this doesn't work?");

What are some goals you want to accomplish in 2022 (HINT: once we're bigger, one of our big goals is to speak at the United Nations!);

I found out that Jen is a singer so I asked her to sing a bit for us at the end.

You can reach Jen on LinkedIn:

Find out more about Manifest Commerce:

This episode is exclusively sponsored by Manifest Commerce, helping merchants with earth friendly e-commerce fulfillment. You can check them out here:

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Thanks for listening!

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